Yoga For Each Dosha


In working with a vata imbalance or practicing yoga during the vata season, the qualities you want to try to encourage are:

Slow, smooth, steady, flowing, warm, grounding through the feet and long relaxation.


Sun salutation sequence

Mountain pose

Warrior I pose

Warrior II pose

Side angle pose

Tree pose

Cobra pose

Child's pose

Seated forward bending pose

Reclined twisting pose

Legs up the wall pose

Long resting pose


In working with a pitta imbalance or practicing yoga during the pitta season, the qualities you want to try to encourage are:

Cooling, light and joyful, creative, work at 80% effort, non-judgemental, focus on the exhalation and work at a moderate pace.


Child's pose

Mountain pose

Chair pose

Revolved chair pose

Standing forward bending pose

Side angle pose

Revolved side angle pose

Cobra pose

1/2 Boat pose

Bridge pose

Seated forward bending pose


In working with a kapha imbalance or practicing yoga during the kapha season, the qualities you want to try to encourage are:

Vigorous, warming, strong movement, forcefull breath, lifted chest, sharp focus, challenge yourself, keep moving, practice with precision and alignment.


Mountain Pose

Sun salutation sequence

Chair pose

Warrior I pose

Warrior II pose

Reverse warrior pose

Cobra pose

Bow pose

Side plank pose

Reclined twisting pose

Cow face pose

Resting pose with an open and lifted chest